Sunday, December 20, 2009



we will be meeting on monday at 2pm. We will be planning for the camp. Dont be late ya!
Senior prefect will be jioning us too... Hope everyone could make it ya! Cya!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hi guys, i believed it had been a long time that we gather together as 1 family. So should we gather like last time before our examination start? Cause i think all of you will be busy by then. And Mr chua birthday is also coming.. So any plan guys? Please let me know your plan by commenting this post. And also let me know the days that you guys are free. Just hope that all of us in incontact with one another, so all us as 1 family know about the updated event. Lets not repeat the same mistake.. Hope to see you guys soon.. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi guys.. The latest information for the camp..
On thurday can all of you report in school by 11am..
And please bring as many old newspaper and magazines as possible..
There alot alot more things for all of us to do..
Such as, the name tag and think of a backup plan for the 2nd day, if its raining..
Thanks... See you on Thursday..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Next Meeting!

Next meeting will be on 28 of feb 2009 from 9-11am,
we will need to finalise everything by next week.
we also need to asssign people in different area.
if you really interested to help during prefect camp, please come for this meeting..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Thanks, for coming for the meeting. Our next meeting will be on 21 of feb 2009.
Our next meeting will be finalise the vent that going to take plan and also the games to be played at telok kurau park. Please be around in our next meeting, as we also need to comfirm the no. of people involve in the camp.. Dun be late please..
See you..
If you are interest to help out in p5 camp please do come down on friday (20 of feb 2009)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our next meeting will be on the 14th of feb 2009.
We will be going to try out the walk from telok kurau to the old telok kurau..
Hope all of you will be able to jion in this trip..
See you! Dun be late pls..

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Next Meeting!

Our next meeting will be on the 7 of Feb 2009 (sat) from 9-11
plans for the meeting will be to discuss more for the camp..
So please think for more idea and games to share for our next meeting..
We will also be taking photo on our next meeting for our SLA card..
SLA member, i hope that everyone will be able to come..
The senior prefect will also be jioning us too...
See you.. Dun be late!